IBM - SPSS Modeler - 利用資料採礦解決最艱困的挑戰- Taiwan IBM® SPSS® Modeler 是強大的多功能資料採礦工作台,可協助您快速以直覺方式 建置精確的預測模型,而且不需要撰寫程式.
IBM - SPSS Modeler - United States IBM SPSS Modeler is a powerful, versatile data mining workbench that helps you build accurate predictive models quickly and intuitively, without programming.
IBM - SPSS Modeler - Compare editions - Taiwan 版本僅反映IBM SPSS Modeler Professional 和IBM SPSS Modeler ...
IBM SPSS Modeler Downloads Learn more about how Modeler gives you access to a powerful and comprehensive set of techniques for predictive analytics.
IBM SPSS Modeler and big data IBM SPSS Modeler is a powerful data mining and text analytics workbench that helps you build accurate predictive models quickly and intuitively without the ...
IBM SPSS Modeler Features IBM SPSS Modeler Features. By integrating predictive analytics with decision management, scoring and optimization in your organization's processes and ...
IBM SPSS Modeler - Wikipedia IBM SPSS Modeler is a data mining and text analytics software application built by IBM. It is used to build predictive models and conduct other analytic tasks.
博客來-資料探勘理論與應用:以IBM SPSS Modeler為範例(附CD) 2011年12月28日 ... 本書即嘗試以不同資料探勘的理論為經,演算方法為緯,在經緯的架構中,藉著個案 實例,以及IBM/SPSS Modeler系統實際的操作,來說明資料探勘 ...
IBM SPSS Modeler Premium IBM® SPSS® Modeler Premium is a high-performance predictive and text analytics ... intelligence of SPSS Modeler to attract customers, strengthen their loyalty ...
New features in IBM SPSS Modeler Premium IBM® SPSS® Modeler Premium is a separately-licensed product that provides additional features to those supplied by IBM® SPSS® Modeler Professional.